Neurotech is the world leader in online diagnostics for attentional disorders, aka ADHD. Based on cutting-edge neuroscience, its cloud software helps test symptoms, both for children and for adults. MOXO helps pediatric specialists and parents to treat children in a clinical setting. The science could also be applied outside the clinical setting, offering HR professionals tools to apply the science to assess workplace performance and human capital.

The Challenge

Though the company’s diagnostics have worked for hundreds of thousands of patients, the browser-based application ran on a monolithic LAMP stack and its data store. Modern clinical practice required better security and compliance integration. And HR professionals in a corporate setting presented a new market with different application needs. The business needed a path to the cloud, both to relieve technical debt and use a SaaS model to pursue growth.

The Solution

Neurotech recognized that taking a direct path to cloud computing offered a new, more effective way to access and use these powerful tests and the algorithms behind them. Working from the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework helped establish a roadmap for refactoring the software stack as a distributed workload. Through a step-by-step approach to cloud-native modularization of the application and database layer, CloudGeometry developed and implemented a step-by-step migration plan, including database migration via AWS DMS. Iterative development enabled shorter, more frequent cycles for adding features or UX improvements for new markets and customers.

CloudGeometry Monitoring Security & Compliance continuously and fixes code and configuration for all cloud service interfaces 24×7×365, validating against 500+ industry-standard Best Practice checks. For example, HIPAA compliance for clinically sensitive data is validated every time a change to the code is committed.

The Benefits

Tackling a cloud migration start to finish opened new business models for Neurotech, such as the AXON SaaS product for Employee Performance Management, and expansion to the education market with a Joint Venture with the government of China.

<div class="case__txt--cols"><div><h4>Shift to a cloud-first model</h4><p>AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) provides a path for building from first release to continuous deployments.</p></div><div><h4>Accelerate iterative development</h4><p>Zero in on improving operational transparency and resilience, to tackle more ambitious innovations.</p></div><div><h4>Continuous global cloud operations</h4><p>Ensuring reliable security, compliance, and monitoring to unlock cloud platform power.</p></div></div>